Hurricanes, famines, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters are known in statutes as ‘Acts of God’. Wherever this started from, it represents the worldview about God. The world has concluded if anything is beyond human ability, it is of God!
I am reminded of God’s position with Israel in Kardesh Barnea according to Numbers 14. Moses had sent spies out to confirm that the promised land was as God described it only for 10 out of the 12 leaders he sent out to return with an evil report. They said the worst about Moses and God. They had forgotten about all the good He did when he freed them from Egypt, made a way through the sea, brought water from the rock, provided manna daily and gave victories at their wars. To them he brought them out of Egypt to destroy them in the wilderness, make them lunch for giants and tricked them into a massive disgrace. Moses interceded bitterly for God to spare them and as He forgave as usual, He however made it clear that He will do to everyone according to how they had spoken in His ears (Numbers 14.28). Every spy spoke from their hearts conviction about God. The ten spies spoke about a God of judgement and ill will. Caleb and Joshua spoke about a God who kept His promises and will give them victory. All the spies got their perceptions and declarations about God.
Paul predicted perilous times in 2 Timothy 3.1-3 and the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 prophesied about very difficult times before the rapture of the church and His second coming into the world. I am therefore not shocked nor totally perplexed by current happenings in the world. They validate prophecy and only convince us more of the words of our Lord Jesus.
The fall of man has given Satan access into the world system as the god of the social order (2 Corinthians 4.3-4). What really do we expect from his government especially when he knows his time is short and God’s judgement day for him is imminent. We should expect heightened demonic activities and every effort to terminate life and limit man’s opportunity to turn to God. The truth is that wars, famine, epidemics and pandemics, sicknesses, poverty and natural disasters are acts of Satan and not of God. The devil is the trouble maker, the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy(John 10.9). Let us point the accusing finger in the right direction and blame the real culprit.
Satan is certainly crippling the world with fear but this is the time for believers to fight the good fight of faith by resisting fear and the dreaded disease with the Word of God (1 Timothy 6.12). We must believe the best about our God as the Word says He is. He is…merciful and gracious, abundant in goodness and truth. Keeping mercy for thousands…(Exodus (34.6-7). I know a God who is an embodiment of all goodness. The Anglo Saxon impression of Him was that of the personification of all goodness and they personified the sovereign goodness by describing Him as God. He is not the source of evil and the corona virus. Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from above (James 1.17). Making it through these times requires a few things:
1. Rehearsing God’s previous goodnesses and kindnesses to us. Sarah judged Him faithful to receive the miracle of conception (Hebrews 11.11).
2. Filling your heart with the knowledge of God from His Word and see Him in the light of the light you receive from the Word.
3. Declaring what the Word says about God. He will do accordingly for us(Numbers 14.28).
4. Resisting the pandemic and other negative fallouts as acts of the devil over whom we must exercise authority.
By God’s Grace, when this pandemic is over, you will be counted among the living. God is good and His mercy endures forever.