April 17, 2022
As a young Christian (about 37 years ago), I stumbled on an old book on a shelf in our home. Obviously, the book had been there for years and nobody cared to read it. For some reason, I only took note of it because I had just become a Pentecostal Christian and couldn’t fathom why anyone in our nominal Christian home would have been interested in the subject. The book was ‘I believe in Visions’ by Kenneth E. Hagin. Not only have I read it again and again since then, but I also own several physical and electronic copies of the book due to its powerful impact on me. The book remains one of the most illuminating books I ever read about spiritual things.
As a prophet that he was in his lifetime, Kenneth Hagin learned several truths from God’s Word through visions of the Lord Jesus Christ. Kindly find the book and make time to read it.

One of the several lessons of the book had to do with an occasion in which the Lord Jesus was teaching him about demons and deliverance. A demon spirit suddenly came into their presence and began to make a disturbing noise and also released a smokescreen between both of them to hinder Kenneth Hagin from hearing Jesus and from seeing him. After waiting for Jesus to deal with the devil for a while and he did not, Hagin went ahead to rebuke that devil and commanded it to leave their presence at once and the devil did. He was amazed in his thoughts that the Lord did not cast the devil out of their presence. The Lord knowing his thoughts, went ahead to school him about how He could not do anything about the devil. Brother Hagin of course challenged the statement as I am sure you and I would, given the same circumstance. The Lord went ahead to explain from the Bible as demanded by Kenneth Hagin how He had ‘delegated’ the authority given to Him on earth to the church (Luke 10:19, Mark 17:17, Matthew 28:18).

While all power in heaven and on earth was given to the Lord Jesus Christ, in giving His name to the church and giving the great commission to us, the Lord gave His authority on the earth to us. He continues to exercise His authority in the heavenly realms but we are to exercise authority on the earth. Unfortunately, the devil has either successfully hidden behind human activities so that Christians are focused on human beings as their enemies or they turn to God in supplication to deal with the devil on their behalf. In hiding behind human behavior, we are extremely fixated upon how our spouses, friends, relatives, and neighbors hurt us that rather than arrest the forces causing strife and confusion between us, we fight them in the flesh and open more doors for satanic oppressions and influences. Worse still is our fixation on the enchantments and divinations of witches and wicked people against us. While that is true, the devil will rather focus our attention on cursing them with malice, hatred, and bitterness which actually weakens us spiritually. He knows that outside the light of love, the believer is powerless. Instead of focusing on people, the believer should realize they are under satanic influences and should arrest the forces using them against us.
Prayer meetings are either the most attended or the least attended church programs in Nigeria. The most attended ones are usually focused on dealing with the scourge of witchcraft and demonic activities. However, many of such meetings are unproductive in people’s lives because warfare is either directed against human beings or supplications are made for divine intervention against the devil. Like Kenneth Hagin, we are expecting God to drive out the spirits behind our spiritual, financial, or social problems, while He is also waiting for us to do something about them. Many spiritual attacks persist because believers do not exercise their God-given authority over the enemy. In the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, whatever we permit on earth is permitted in heaven and whatever we prohibit on earth is prohibited in heaven (Matthew 16:19, 18:18 ISV).
The ball is in your court, play it rightly. It’s your move, do something! Get angry at the enemy and put him where he belongs: under your feet. Do not wait on Jesus to deal with him, the Lord already did all He would 2,000 years ago through His redemptive work on the cross of Calvary (Colossians 1:12-13, 2 11-15, Revelations 1:18). He is waiting on you to exercise the authority you have in His name and through His sacrifice on the cross. The victory is yours!!

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