It was sometime in 2005 and I boarded this aircraft with my spiritual son, Niyi Ladokun in Lagos, Nigeria with enthusiasm for Abidjan, Ivory Coast. We spent an extra hour on the tarmac after boarding because of a torrential rainfall. After what seemed like an eternity, we were cleared to take off. I was excited because in 1994, my older brother (Sam) and I had boarded a flight to meet up with our then Senior Pastor in Abidjan. We had missed a flight due to Lagos traffic and assumed our Senior Pastor made it, only to arrive Abidjan to meet a Telex message instructing us to return to Lagos as he had also missed the same flight. Of course, we returned dejected as it was to have been our first international mission trip. You will therefore understand my excitement at this other trip to Ivory Coast.
As the plane lifted for the skies, I was thrilled. In another 90 minutes, we’d be there and that was to include a stop in Accra, Ghana. Then, we ran into a storm and the thrill turned to worry as the pilot struggled with strong winds. Sudden drops, tilting left and right, shaking and vibrations; like others, I began to offer up my prayer to God, except that my outward calmness contrasted with the loud prayers, gasps and shouts that surrounded me. After nearly ten minutes of wrestling with the winds, the pilot seemed to pick up the ‘Attitude’ of the aircraft and in a minute or two we had soared beyond the storm to absolute tranquility and clear skies. Breakfast followed, which several people turned down as they tried to calm their nerves. We had a safe landing in Accra and a subsequent one in Abidjan. We also went on to have a glorious time of ministry.
At the time of this writing, the world is faced with the unprecedented Corona virus pandemic, the scale of which has not been seen in a hundred years. As this storm has blown across the world in the last six months, over three hundred thousand people have died as millions have been infected. Social isolation, economic recessions, job losses, widespread fear, depression and other mental health issues have been the order of the day. The world cannot continue to be on a standstill and so lockdowns and restrictions are being gradually eased around the world even in the face of growing numbers of infected people in certain regions. The question remains about how to face the future.
Those who wait on the Lord mount up with wings as eagles (Isaiah 40.31). Eagles welcome storms and use their powerful currents to fly to higher heights. I believe it’s time for the believer to raise his ‘Attitude’. Pandemics have come and gone before. Storms do come and go and we cannot afford to let our lives, dreams and goals be on a perpetual lockdown. We must face the future with an Attitude of Faith. One that looks at the pandemic with the knowledge of God’s protection according to Psalm 91 and the quiet assurance of 1 Peter 2:24 that we are healed by the stripes of Jesus. Realize as many businesses have gone under, so has Amazon, Zoom and others prospered abundantly this season. See this as a season of opportunity for you, declare it so and start looking out for opportunities that suit your skills and your capabilities. Remember, for you to live is Christ and Christ has overcome the world. You are triumphant over Covid-19 and every other storm that life has or will throw at you. Protect yourself according to government advice but put your faith in God for protection and for victory where already infected. Look to God as your source regardless of how your finances are and discern your opportunities. Soar beyond the storm and use it to move up to greater heights of success. See this as your new season for another breakthrough and it will turn out so.