I do hope the first part to this article was inspiring for you. I think it is important to explain from scripture, how to develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit which will lead to the spiritual sensitivity we need for a supernatural success.
““Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him.”
Exodus 23:20-21 NKJV
The Word Angel in the quoted Bible verses above starts with a capital A. The Hebrew word ‘Elohim’ is used by God Himself and it is same as the first reference to God in the Bible (Genesis 1:1). This will either have to be an Old Testament manifestation of the Eternal Word(Jesus Christ) or of the 3rd person of the trinity (the Holy Spirit). We find the answer to this question in Isaiah.
“But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit; So He turned Himself against them as an enemy, And He fought against them. Then he remembered the days of old, Moses and his people, saying: “Where is He who brought them up out of the sea With the shepherd of His flock? Where is He who put His Holy Spirit within them,”
Isaiah 63:10-11 NKJV
Very clearly here in Isaiah, the Holy Spirit was the one that led Israel through the wilderness to the promised land. The oneness of the three personalities that make up the Godhead must always be in mind. This same Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the father and the Spirit of Christ the son. We must remember He is as divine as the Father and the Son and as so shares in all the attributes of divinity.
Beware of Him as Israel was admonished means to RECOGNIZE Him. Many believers do not live in the consciousness of the Spirit’s abiding presence nor treat Him as a person or with the reverence He deserves as God. Developing fellowship with Him begins with being conscious that He is with us. We must by Faith constantly relate to Him as a vital part of our everyday lives as much as we relate to other family members and friends. This is to be done with the recognition that He is our Lord and master from whom we receive direction, empowerment and comfort. His name comforter(Parakletos) in Greek means one called on one’s side. He waits to be invited as an accused before the magistrate would invite an advocate under the Grecian empire thousands of years ago. We are to reach out to Him for His partnership and divine intervention in our affairs.
OBEY His voice. Where there is a vital relationship and ongoing fellowship with Him, we will enjoy communication with Him and hear His voice. As He was responsible for guiding Israel from Egypt to the promised Land, so does He lead us from the moment we come to Christ till we enter into the fullness of His plan and purpose for us. He will guide us safely home to glory and into eternity also. Along the journey, we are to constantly take directions from Him and follow them. Israel were also warned not to provoke Him. This was of course exactly what they did along the journey with their unbelief which resulted in disobedience. All sins are forgivable except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and Israel committed the equivalent when they ascribed their salvation to the Egyptian gods and also declared God incapable of taking them into the promised land at Kardesh Barnea.
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit will evolve into intimacy. We will then learn how much the Holy Spirit loves communicating with us. Whereas many Christians feel He is far away, He is nearer than our breadth and communicates through the inward witness. Sensations of peace, joy and faith will give us the green light to make decisions in line with the will of God, while sensations of restlessness, fear and discomfort will give us warning signals not to proceed. Following the Spirit will lead to supernatural ministry and success in the affairs of this life. It will allow God to prove Himself a good shepherd who feeds His sheep to the full and refreshes them abundantly. The Greek word koinonia used for communion variously means friendship, communication, transportation, unity, oneness, fellowship and partnership. It is such blessedness to know this walk with the Lord. Come Holy Spirit, I need you.