April 17, 2022
“God’s splendor is a tale that is told, written in the stars. Space itself speaks his story through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing his skill in creation’s craftsmanship.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭19:1‬ ‭TPT‬‬
I enjoin you to read the rest of this chapter in the same translation. The anointed translator brings out the beauty of the loud proclamations of creation about the invisible God to visibility. God who is a myth to mortal men and abstract to the blinded is expressed as obvious and concrete in His creation. It is quite a paradox to the unenlightened to read. Psalm that describes God in such familiar verbiage when even incursions into space only reveal the greater mystery that he is. Astronauts agree that the universe is so vast that man is so limited in his ability to explore a fraction of it. The fastest vehicle that can reach the nearest star has to travel for years and so small is it that it cannot carry a human nor can a human survive that far out in space and yet would take hundreds of years to reach some others that man cannot even fathom how to reach yet.
The vastness of creation tells the greatness of our God. You are beautiful beyond description wrote a songwriter. The figment of the human imagination cannot grasp his omnipotence. To conclude He does not exist is rather too simplistic and defeatist. It is more of a frustration expressed than logic. Such conclusion is nothing but a choice to dive deeper into the darkness of ignorance and away from the endless possibilities of light on nature. To reason in the limitations of the human cranial cavity and come to the conclusion there is no Mastermind over all of creation is to attain the highest heights of folly and embrace the deepest depths of hades. Truly, the fool has said in his heart, “there is no God” (Psalm 14.1).
Come with me to the heights of the himalaya’s and let it tell you in it’s towers that your God towers above the heavens higher than his enemies, higher than the opposition you face on the path of destiny and higher than wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. Sing with VaShawn Mitchell;
“….I climbed up to the highest mountain
I looked all around, couldn’t find nobody
Went down into the deepest valley
Looked all around down there, couldn’t find nobody
I went across the deep blue sea
Couldn’t find one to compare to your Grace
…Your love
…Your Mercy
Nobody Greater
Nobody Greater than you
Journeying in this song from the highest mountain to the depths of the ocean captures the imagination of the open mind. The mind not closed in frustration but open to the illumination that nature emits of His magnificent glory. By the time the journey has reached the depths of the sea, the song writer like the psalmist is not just seeing the greatness of the power of God in the vastness of His creation alone but the intensity of His love for mere mortals. His Grace, His mercy capture His enlightened mind. The greatest TRUTH of all truths is that God’s love is as massive as God Himself for (He is love 1 John 4:8). A peep into His mind through everything on the earth and all we can comprehend of the vastness of the constellations of stars reveal their direct or indirect relationship with our little planet, yes, little in the universal community of creations but massive to the human mind. Yet, this relationship of service from the universe to our little planet is for the benefit of the mortals that live in it.
Come with me to the puzzled mind of an angel whose wonderment at God’s love for man is captured by the Psalmist in Psalm 8:4;
“Why would you bother with puny, mortal man or care about human beings? Yet what honour you have given to men, created only a little lower than Elohim, crowned with glory and magnificence. You have delegated to them rulership over all you have made, with everything under their authority, placing earth itself under the feet of your image-bearers. All the created order and every living thing of the earth, sky, and sea — the wildest beasts and all that move in the paths of the sea — everything is in submission to Adam’s sons.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭8:4-8‬ ‭TPT‬‬
Everything in the world and universe around us were made for us in a display of God’s superfluous love and effusive grace. We are the beneficiaries of His glory. Ours is to open up and allow nature to fill our hearts with the lights of God’s love for us. As much as He lives in man, so does He live in us personally. He knows each one by name and numbers the very hair on each head. When circumstances seem to tell otherwise, let us remain in the safety of the knowing that He loves us. Let us rest assured He is working out a grand plan that will end in glory to His holy name. When death grips with its claws and loved ones are taken from us, let us rest still in the knowing our loved ones are safely home to which we will all return and let us believe the future holds better things in store even when it feels impossible.
The crowning expression of the glory of God’s love is in coming down Himself through the incarnation of the eternal word of God to identify with our infirmity and to go to the cross of Calvary “as us”, taste death in spirit and in body “for us” and rise triumphant from the dead “with us” to new life forever more. Let us with gratitude and joy sing praise to Him continually. He loves us absolutely, forgives us completely, redeems us powerfully and lives through us eternally. Sing the old song with me as I drop my pen till next week;
Yes, Jesus loves me(3X)
The Bible tells me so.

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